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Discover the advantages of Solartec LuMa for your PV system

At Solartec LuMa, we offer comprehensive solutions for purchasing your PV system. Our years of experience and commitment to quality make us the ideal partner for your photovoltaic system. We provide customized photovoltaic solutions tailored to your individual needs.

Benefit from our high-quality PV systems that reduce your energy costs while protecting the environment. Trust Solartec LuMa and experience the advantages of our top-notch photovoltaic systems.


Why Solartec LuMa is your best choice

Solartec LuMa überzeugt durch zuverlässige und effiziente PV Anlagen. Unsere Photovoltaik-Systeme bieten Ihnen höchste Qualität und maximale Energieeffizienz. Mit unserem Rundumservice begleiten wir Sie von der Beratung über die Planung bis hin zur Installation und Wartung. Erleben Sie, wie einfach es ist, eine PV Anlage zu kaufen und nachhaltig Energie zu sparen. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere Expertise.


All components we use for our PV systems have the required building code approval in accordance with legal regulations since 2018. This means we meet all legal and safety standards, ensuring the longevity and safety of our photovoltaic systems. You can trust that we have taken all necessary measures to guarantee the highest quality and safety. Trust Solartec LuMa when you want to buy a PV system that meets all legal requirements and offers maximum safety.


We continuously verify the structural integrity of the systems in accordance with the strict and current Eurocode guidelines. We place the highest value on your safety as well as the safety of our photovoltaic systems. Our commitment is to always meet the stringent standards to ensure your safety. Additionally, our PV systems comply with all legal requirements, offering you the highest quality and reliability. Trust Solartec LuMa when you want to buy a PV system that meets the highest safety standards.


Through independent quality controls in the manufacturing plants and internal laboratory tests conducted by IBC engineers, we ensure the provision of first-class photovoltaic systems. Our dedicated experts make sure you always receive PV systems of outstanding quality. We also ensure that our PV systems meet all legal requirements and safety standards. Trust Solartec LuMa when you want to buy a PV system that stands out for its highest quality and reliability.


We place great importance on clear and understandable warranty conditions that ensure transparency and fairness. Our warranty conditions for photovoltaic systems are not only excellent but also transparently formulated without hidden clauses. Our goal is to provide you with the highest level of trust and satisfaction. Trust Solartec LuMa when you want to buy a PV system that offers fair and transparent warranty conditions and protects your investment.


We are actively committed to sustainability and responsible corporate management by offering free take-back and recycling of your old photovoltaic components. Our initiative supports an eco-friendly circular economy and helps conserve resources. Trust Solartec LuMa when you want to buy a PV system and contribute to the environment at the same time. Our PV systems are not only efficient but also part of a sustainable system.


Our competent and dedicated in-house service team is always available to address your concerns, answer questions, or provide support in the rare case of malfunctions. Whether you have questions about your photovoltaic system or need assistance with your PV system, our team is here for you. Trust Solartec LuMa when you want to buy a PV system and value excellent customer service.

Energy management

We implement an innovative energy management system that not only leads to significant savings on electricity costs but also helps you optimize your energy consumption efficiently. Our solution is perfectly tailored to your photovoltaic system, ensuring you get the most out of your PV system. Trust Solartec LuMa when you want to buy a PV system equipped with the latest energy management technologies.

Storage systems

With our specially developed battery systems like BYD or products from Huawei, Sungrow, and other premium manufacturers, we offer you complete energy storage solutions from a single source that are efficient and reliable. Our PV systems with storage solutions ensure you get the maximum benefit from your photovoltaic system. Trust Solartec LuMa when you want to buy a PV system equipped with top-quality battery systems, providing you with maximum independence.

Individual and Comprehensive Consultation

Our consultation goes beyond the usual – it is personal, comprehensive, and detailed. We take the time to understand your individual needs and circumstances to develop customized solutions for your PV system. Whether it's planning, installation, or maintenance of your photovoltaic system, our team is here to support you with advice and assistance. Trust Solartec LuMa when you want to buy a PV system and seek personal and detailed consultation tailored to your specific requirements.


Complete financing solution: Our comprehensive financing ensures that your investment in a photovoltaic system is optimally protected, including all necessary financing options. With Solartec LuMa, you can purchase your PV system worry-free and benefit from customized financing solutions. Our experts help you find the best financing option so that your PV system is implemented efficiently and cost-effectively.